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Cloisonne Lapel Pin So you want to learn more about the fascinating process of pins and pin making? Well, you've come to the right place. Pull up a mousepad, grab a mug of green tea, and enter the world of pins...

History of Cloisonné
The history of cloisonné is confusing, as many cultures wish to lay claim to the invention or advancement of this beautiful art form. The French city of Limoges was renowned during the 16th century for intricate cloisonné painting, and the French word cloison, or cell, gives us the name cloisonné, from the metal cells which are filled with enamel. Russia made cloisonné famous in the 17th century, when Peter the Great commissioned miniatures of his portrait in enamel. Japan also has a unique and beautiful cloisonné tradition, and the earliest enamel on metal dates back to the 13th century B.C. on the Greek island of Cypress. But it was the Chinese who really became identified with this technique, and with its most advanced forms.

Read more about the history of cloisonné and enamel at these sites:

Pin Collecting
Pin collecting has swept the world like wildfire! Here are some sites about this consuming hobby:

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